Sunday, March 4, 2007


What submission is not. It is not to be a doormat for the other person. It is not to be ignored or tossed aside. It is not to have my opinions and thoughts given to me by someone else. It is not my lack of power.

So, then what is submission. Submission to me is to recognize and accept His authority over me. It is to put His needs first. It is to ensure that there is peace in the home. It is to yield my power to him. It is an exchange of power. It is His control over our home and yes me. It is for me to accept His decisions as final. It is in my giving up control and power that I have gained control and have been empowered in ways I have only dreamed about.

I no longer have to fight for a place in our relationship. I have a place that was designed by God and in my submitting to the Head of our home my place is easy to find. I am His help mate. I am here to assist Him in making our home a safe, peaceful, loving, kind, stress free home. How? You see, I don't have to fight to be the Head anymore because I have relinquished that fight. I don't have to fight against the outside world anymore, because as the natural Head He is ready and more than capable of protecting me from the world. In my giving up the fight to stand in front and to accept my place by his side, He wraps His arms around me and pulls me close to his heart and keeps me safe in them. I am fully protected now. You see since I am no longer in front, when the world comes to knock me down, He can react quicker to my protection by gently pushing me behind Him, instead of having to come from behind me to step up beside me to then shoving me behind Him to protect me. I am not vulnerable by giving up power, but I am easily protected by letting Him have the power. I find in my submission peace and comfort in the role I was created to fulfill.

You have to be a strong person to begin with to give up the power I am talking about. My Dom doesn't want me to be a Stepford Wife. No, He wants me to be me, just with the understanding I am not in charge. If I had an inferiority complex, this would not work for Him. Why? Because, there would be no exchange of power. I would just roll over and let Him walk all over me. That is not what He wants. He loves my tenacity, my drive, my will power, my strenth, my fight, my thought processess, my ability to out think the current situation, my multi-tasking, my stubborness, all that makes my personality what it is and who I am, He loves. What He didn't love is when I would turn the skills and abilities on and against Him. That is what my submission to Him prevents. My submission reminds me that those things He loves about me are never to be used as a tool/weapon toward and especially against Him. I am to use myself to make our we a better us. I am to use myself to help Him be all that He can be and in return that helps His home to be all that it can be. It is a circle that should never be broken by failing to recognize and understand our respective roles. Things, home/life/marriage/careers/church all go a lot smoother when we opporate within our respective roles as we feel designed by God, and that role for me is as His submissive.